Code with

The open-source voice assistant for developers

With Serenade, you can write code using natural speech. Serenade's speech-to-code engine is designed for developers from the ground up and fully open-source.

Take a break from typing

Give your hands a break without missing a beat. Whether you have an injury or you're looking to prevent one, Serenade can help you be just as productive without typing at all.

Laptop with speech icon

Secure, fast speech-to-code

Serenade can run in the cloud, to minimize impact on your system's resources, or completely locally, so all of your voice commands and source code stay on-device. It's up to you, and everything is open-source.

Serenade Pro logo

Add voice to any application

Serenade integrates with your existing tools—from writing code with VS Code to messaging with Slack—so you don't have to learn an entirely new workflow. And, Serenade provides you with the right speech engine to match what you're editing, whether that's code or prose.

PythonPythonVS CodeVS CodeJavaScriptJavaScriptChromeChromeMarkdownMarkdownIntelliJIntelliJ
PythonPythonVS CodeVS CodeJavaScriptJavaScriptChromeChromeMarkdownMarkdownIntelliJIntelliJ
PythonPythonVS CodeVS CodeJavaScriptJavaScriptChromeChromeMarkdownMarkdownIntelliJIntelliJ
C / C++C / C++GitHubGitHubJIRAJIRATypeScriptTypeScriptGitLabGitLabPyCharmPyCharm
C / C++C / C++GitHubGitHubJIRAJIRATypeScriptTypeScriptGitLabGitLabPyCharmPyCharm
C / C++C / C++GitHubGitHubJIRAJIRATypeScriptTypeScriptGitLabGitLabPyCharmPyCharm
iTerm2iTerm2ColabColabCSSCSSAndroid StudioAndroid
iTerm2iTerm2ColabColabCSSCSSAndroid StudioAndroid
iTerm2iTerm2ColabColabCSSCSSAndroid StudioAndroid

Code more flexibly

Don't get stuck at your keyboard all day. Break up your workflow by using natural voice commands without worrying about syntax, formatting, and symbols.

Customize your workflow

Create powerful custom voice commands and plugins using Serenade's open protocol, and add them to your workflow. Or, try customizations shared by the Serenade community.

command("build", async api => {
  await api.focus("terminal");
  await api.pressKey("k", ["command"]);
  await api.typeText("yarn build");
  await api.pressKey("return");

Start coding with voice today

Ready to supercharge your workflow with voice? Download Serenade for free and start using speech alongside typing, or leave your keyboard behind.